The H-2A temporary agricultural program allows agricultural employers who anticipate a shortage of domestic workers to bring nonimmigrant foreign workers to the U.S. to perform agricultural labor or services of a temporary or seasonal nature.

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H-2A Workers

Have you tried to find and hire local labor but found that American agriculture workers have dried up?

You’re not alone. The H-2A guest worker program is what you need to help keep your farm operations up and going, and to avoid potential losses for the next season.​

The H-2A Visa program is designed to provide American farmers with a reliable, efficient and legal way to keep up with the demand of farm labor needs with temporary visa workers.​

If you need H-2A employees, let us help with your H-2A Visa Recruitment and have peace of mind that you’ll have one of the best chances for success possible.

​To fully undestand the H-2A process please click here to read the USCIS website:

H-2 Program

H-2A Guidelines​​

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The employer must agree to engage in the independent positive recruitment of U.S. workers. This means an active effort, including newspaper and radio advertising in the areas of expected labor supply.

Wage Rate

The wage or rate of pay must be the same for U.S. workers and H2A workers. The hourly rate must also be at least as high as the applicable Adverse Effect Wage Rate, Federal or State minimum wage or the applicable prevailing hourly wage rate, whichever is higher.


The employer must provide free housing to all workers who are not reasonably able to return to their residences the same day. Such housing must be inspected and approved according to standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


The employer must provide either three meals a day to each worker or furnish free and convenient cooking and kitchen facilities for workers to prepare their own meals. If meals are provided, then the employer may charge each worker a certain amount per day for the three meals.


The employer must provide free transportation between the employers' housing and the worksite for any worker who is provided housing.
Upon completion of the work contract, the employer must pay reasonable costs of the workers' subsistence and return transportation costs to foreign workers or provide transportation.

an icon of two workers wearing hard hats

Workers Compensation Insurance

The employer must provide either Workers Compensation Insurance or insurance coverage equivalent to Workers Compensation Insurance, for all workers. Proof of insurance must be provided before certification is granted.

Three-fourths Guarantee

The employer must guarantee to offer each worker employment for at least three-fourths of the workdays in the work contract period and any extensions. If the employer affords less employment, then the employer must pay the amount which the worker would have earned had the worker been employed the guaranteed number of days.

Fifty Percent Rule

The employer must agree to hire any qualified and eligible U.S. worker who applies for a job until fifty percent of the period, or the work contract, has elapsed.

Labor Dispute

The employer must provide either Workers Compensation Insurance or insurance coverage equivalent to Workers Compensation Insurance, for all workers. Proof of insurance must be provided before certification is granted.